The Industry Forum Ltd, 20 St Andrew Street, EC4A 3AG, London
+44 (0)20 7434 0090
The Industry Forum Ltd, 20 St Andrew Street, EC4A 3AG, London

Can the UK become a new medicines powerhouse?

Panel discussion,
Event location:
Online discussion
IF Project

The UK response to the COVID pandemic has established our global reputation as a scientific leader in life sciences. Key to this success has been the collaborative approach between the scientific community, the pharmaceutical industry, and the NHS.  The recently published Life Sciences Vision sets out how the Government intends to build on this to position the UK as the leading global hub for life sciences. The challenges are to provide the right incentives for companies to work with the scientific community to develop and deliver new drugs and therapies in the UK, and to do this within an affordable budget, while ensuring that patients have access to new and innovative medicines. This policy workshop will look at existing hurdles and how these could be addressed by collaborative planning, streamlining approval procedures, and by new approaches to the access and uptake of new medicines. The expert panel will discuss the key policy initiatives needed and what the benefits might be.

Speakers :

Anne Marie Morris MP, Chair of the APPG on Access to Medicines and Medical Devices

Gail Grant, Head of Government Affairs, AbbVie

Michael Finn, Life Sciences Partner, Pinsent Masons


For more information on this event