The Industry Forum Ltd, 20 St Andrew Street, EC4A 3AG, London
+44 (0)20 7434 0090
The Industry Forum Ltd, 20 St Andrew Street, EC4A 3AG, London

Preparing for change


The coming general election will deliver a new administration with a new mandate. Both the main parties agree on the need for urgent changes to spur economic growth. We have not yet seen the party manifestos but assume they will not agree on how growth should be achieved, nor on how its benefits should be shared.

Already politicians are clearing the decks to fight for their own seats and win targets seats. And some, of course, are polishing their CVs or practicing their golf swings. Key policies to win votes are already baked into electoral planning. But, within a year, promises will need to be replaced by action plans. It won't be adequate to declare that an objective is a plan - timetables, resources, responsibilities and budgets will need to be allocated, assuming the promises were sincere.

For such reasons, the Industry Forum, as a forward-looking business organisation, is focussing on post-election planning by encouraging discussion of how government and business can work together to make the UK prosperous again. We have already had three important meetings this year and many more are in planning. Thank you to all the organisations that have joined us recently. We are optimistic that 2024 will be one of our most active and successful years since 1997.

Finally, Rod Dowler, our Executive Chair, thanks everyone who sent good wishes following his road accident in January. He received wonderful care from the NHS, the ambulance service and the University College Hospital. He is recovering fast, and hopes to be fully mobile again by April.