The Industry Forum Ltd, 20 St Andrew Street, EC4A 3AG, London
+44 (0)20 7434 0090
The Industry Forum Ltd, 20 St Andrew Street, EC4A 3AG, London


We're open for new members

Membership is open to businesses, trade bodies, trade unions and other organisations operating in the UK and with an interest in business-related public policy in the UK and Europe. Members of the Industry Forum include leading international enterprises from a wide range of sectors.

Advantages of membership

Set the Industry Forum agenda
Industry Forum members suggest the topics and speakers for our events according to their own priorities and concerns.
Attend our roundtable & membership reception events
Our core programme includes 10-20 meetings per year, the majority of which take place over breakfast, lunch or dinner in top quality central London venues. Attendance is restricted to members and invited guests.
Discuss key issues with policy makers and influencers
Industry Forum members participate in discussions with government and shadow government ministers, members of select committees, heads of regulatory agencies, EU and EC representatives and senior advisers and academics.
Explore issues at the early stage
Meetings are often held at the critical early stages of policy development, when input can be most valuable. Business members provide feedback and suggestions; ministers and other policy makers/regulators take soundings and listen to concerns.
Discuss issues and options informally
The combination of senior business people and policy-makers provides an environment for constructive, robust and sometimes quite productive dialogue.
Benefit from cross-sector discussions and feedback
When we operate under the Chatham House rule, speakers explore issues and options and frequently appreciate unfiltered feedback from industry professionals across a range of sectors.
Enjoy networking opportunities
Members represent a very wide range of business sectors. Our events give members extensive opportunities to network informally and discuss issues and opinions outside of their own sectors.
Industry Forum members have priority in sponsoring and hosting events, and sponsors can nominate additional guests.
Member and speaker testimonials
  • I was delighted to be invited to speak to the Industry Forum on the topic of ‘Increasing Trade between East and West’.  It is an incredibly important subject and I enjoyed discussing issues such as trade strategies and increasing productivity.

    Alok Sharma MP
  • I was delighted to be invited to speak to the Industry Forum on the topic of ‘Increasing Trade between East and West’.  It is an incredibly important subject and I enjoyed discussing issues such as trade strategies and increasing productivity.

    Alok Sharma MP
  • I was delighted to be asked to outline the SNP approach to trade and investment and enjoyed the well-informed discussion with Industry Forum members that followed. Attending the Forum has opened up a range of opportunities to build relationships with the private sector so we can develop a greater understanding of each other’s positions and points of view.

    Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh MP
  • I was pleased to be asked to speak to the Industry Forum and enjoyed the business-like atmosphere and discussion with professionals able to make constructive suggestions on energy policy and some of the possible technical solutions

    Angus MacNeil MP
  • I enjoyed the Industry Forum meeting to discuss EU membership and found the discussion constructive and helpful.

  • The Industry Forum has provided us with the opportunity to meet and discuss with Government Ministers and other senior figures on issues that have impact on our industry, and enabled us to inform policy decisions.

  • A great opportunity to discuss the working relationship between business and government and to develop some of the issues which concern the main parties.

  • Industry Forum meetings and discussions form part of the early-warning process which allows us to talk through impending developments with those who are driving the changes and others who will be affected by them.

    HSBC Holdings plc
  • The only organisation to provide a senior level platform for dialogue with UK Ministers and senior civil servants in UK and Brussels on a wide variety of topical subjects.

    The Packaging Federation
Become a member
Membership Form

Primary contact details

Membership details

I would like to apply for membership of the Industry Forum at the appropriate annual rate:

*Fees quoted are exclusive of 20% VAT

Other contact details

We are currently upgrading our database to ensure that we direct invitations to the most relevant people in each member organisation. Are there any others from your organisation that we should include?

Invitations and member attendance

Unless you advise otherwise, we will notify all the contacts above of Industry Forum meetings and dinners.

Two representatives of large, medium/small companies (more than 10 employees) and trade associations are very welcome to attend Industry Forum meetings and one representative may attend our dinners where numbers are more limited. One representative of micro companies (less than 10 employees) and individual members may attend our events.

Membership list

We would like to include a list of Industry Forum members in our communications. Would you please indicate whether you are in agreement to this.

Sponsor list

Many of our members very generously host and sponsor Industry Forum events. We would like to acknowledge these and other sponsors, where applicable, in our communications.

Member details
